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  • Writer's pictureDelaney Brown

Scintillating San Diego

In this episode of Oh Snap! I take the long seven hour journey to San Diego to explore the wonderful and unique Southern California city. In the height of California winters, it got down to around 60 degrees, pretty much freezing whether for my California breed family, but we conquered the cold to get some amazing shots of the famous seaside city.

When first arriving, we happily got out of our car to stretch our legs and walk along the beautiful coast line and look at the treacherous ocean. Since it's the peak of winter, it was pretty windy, so if you do venture here during the winter, make sure to bring with you a comfy sweater and pants.

Later that day, we drove around the hills of San Diego and stumbled upon a stunning 360 view of the city and the rugged coastline. As well as the wonderful view, the hilltops also sported a magnificent cross that completely added to the already awe inspiring scene.

The next day, we ventured off to the infamous San Diego Zoo. The zoo was that of a pioneer for animal enclosures across the world; because of its open air enclosures for the animals, the zoo provides the closest thing to a natural habitat for the animals. Nearly 100 acres, the large zoo houses thousands of animals that are beautiful to see.

To finish off our day, we headed over to the beach to look at the gorgeous sunset and see the colors of the sky change next to the rugged coast line. With the help of the sunset, I captured a lot of silhouettes that gave a very leasing contrast with the bright sky.

As well as looking at the sunset, my family and I went to the beach for a very personal reason. My dad who has had chronic foot problems in the past hasn't been able to walk in the ocean for years because of countless surgeries. As we enjoyed the sunset, we were also finally able to see our dad do something he has missed out on in the past few years and take this big step.

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